Demi Lovato Making Waves on Snapchat

Demi Lovato has been a huge supporter of women everywhere loving their body no matter what they look like. Recently, she posted a photo to Snapchat where she was wearing just a bikini, but it wasn’t what you’re thinking. Instead of some off the wall photo where she looks too skinny, she’s pinching her stomach.

On the Snapchat, she says “My body isn’t perfect, I’m not my fittest but this is me!! And I (heart emoji) it (thumbs up).”

While Demi does look great in the photo, it’s refreshing to see her push this discussion further with this kind of photo. She’s showing off the fact that she isn’t super skinny and that she loves her body. Hopefully this kind of message is seen by young girls everywhere who are having body image issues.

Photo credit: Jaguar PS /