TV Hits We Love – Part One

The TV series ‘Friends’ were an iconic program that won every conceivable award, growing its fans in the multi-millions. In addition, we loved the theme song. What were some of our favorite TV theme songs that were also bit radio hits? Let’s look at part one of “TV Hits We Love.”

The Rembrandts performed the themes song from the TV serous Friends with “I’ll be There for You.” It was the bands only song that this charts.

“Where Everybody Knows Your Name” from the TV series Cheers was a very popular song, both in the show and on the radio. Gary Portnoy was the singer and co-writer of the tune, hitting the charts in 1982. Gary had also written hits for Air Supply and Dolly Parton in the 80s.

Mike Post is considered the most prolific writer of songs that were TV themes and hit records, including the themes from NYPD, L.A. Law, The Rockford Files, Law and Order, Magnum PI, and Hill Street Blues. Joey Scarbury sang his biggest selling TV theme song from the short lived series ‘Greatest American Hero’ called ‘Believe it or Not (Greatest American Hero)”

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