Lady Gaga’s First Piano to Be Auctioned Off

This past Friday, April 8, marks the eight-year anniversary of Lady Gaga’s first major hit, “Just Dance.” The song put her on the map and put us all in a trance from her amazing voice, great beat, and entertaining music video. Well, Gaga is also in the news for another first. This time, she’s in the news for putting her very first piano on auction at the Hard Rock Cafe New York with Julien’s Auctions’ Music Icons.”

The upright piano she played and used to write her first song will be going on sale via auction and is expected to bring in low six figures. In typical great fashion, Gaga is giving a portion of the proceeds from sale to her foundation, Born This Way.

Also at this auction will be items from Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles among a few others.

Photo credit: Everett Collection /