Selena and Charlie Puth Dating?

Rumors are everywhere around the relationship details between Selena Gomez and Charlie Puth. Are they dating? Are they just friends? Have they been hooking up?

Well, these rumors come at a very interesting time considering Justin Bieber’s recent photo uploads of him and Selena. There are people that believe he’s trying to get back in the picture and if that’s the case we know what rumor he’s hoping is tru.

Selena and Charlie have worked together recently on his upcoming album, which will be his debut, “Nine Track Mind.” The specific song they’ve done together is “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” which is ironic in a way considering everything that is being talked about these days.

From what we can tell, this is just a close friendship between two very talented singers, but sometimes working together like this can really get two people feeling connected. We’ll have to see what happens between these two in the next few weeks and months.

Photo credit: Jaguar PS /