Rock N’ Roll Movies You Can’t Forget

Rock n’ roll movies often give us great moment that feature our favorite rock bands, songs, or storyline. Here are a few of our favorites…

‘This is Spinal Tap’ is the rock n’ roll parody that satirizes all the stereotypes moms and dad have about the rock scene. The movie also made rockers turn their amps up to 11 and leave them there.

Who doesn’t love ‘Back to the Future,’ with Michael J. Fox? It’s the classic 50s rock n’ roll story that captures sci-fi and rock in a way never seen before. The early references (my cousin Chuck as in Berry) and cool cars bring us back to AM radio.

‘Almost Famous,’ is the classic 70s FM album cut movie that combines the real life story or teenager Cameron Crowe with the behind the scenes activities of groupies and tours. This is one of the best movies about rock ever made.

The ‘Buddy Holly Story’ starring Gary Busey was spot on relative to storyline, background of the industry, and inside details of Buddy’s tragic death and music.

Photo credit: Benoit Daoust /