Taylor Swift’s Wonderful Weekend with Reese Witherspoon and Calvin Harris

When you’re Taylor Swift, anything is possible and this past weekend certainly showed this is the case for her. Swift got to party it up with her boyfriend of over a year, Calvin Harris, and also celebrated a star actress’ 40th birthday, Reese Witherspoon.

In Las Vegas, Calvin Harris put on a show and Taylor spent the entire time dancing and having herself a grand time. The show was in Las Vegas at the Omnia Nightclub.

Taylor then made her way to Hollywood to play for Reese Witherspoon in a special private concert for her 40th birthday. It was a jam packed star affair says People Magazine. They reported that stars like Kate Hudson, Jennifer Anniston, Courteney Cox, Robert Downey Jr., and Justin Theroux were in attendance among a few others.

What a wild weekend for the popular Taylor Swift. If only we could imagine what it would be like to do this ourselves!

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