High Seeds in the NCAA Tournament We’re Not Buying

March Madness starts Thursday, so we have just enough time to feed you a few more tips for your brackets. In this edition, we’ll be pointing out one or two seeds we’re avoiding deep into the tournament.

The first team we’re avoiding is Villanova for one big reason, their three-point shooting. While it has been great this year, it’s always great! The problem with them is that they always shoot well, but struggle to go deep into the NCAA Tournament. We’re not buying this two seed and hoping we’re not the ones bit by a cold streak that could easily make them very vulnerable to upset.

Virginia is a team that is for real, but they have one big issue: Michigan State. We do think Virginia has no issue getting to the Elite Eight, but that’s where we think it stops. Most should agree with us, but Michigan State has had their number in recent years, eliminating Virginia from the tournament in 2014 and 2015.

The final high seed we’re avoiding is North Carolina. This is a total hunch play, but there has been some inconsistency throughout the 2015-2016 season. They have also found themselves in a tough field. We really like Kentucky and feel that they’re the team in the East.