CBS Botches NCAA March Madness Bracket Revealing

While the basketball action was pretty great this past weekend, CBS made the biggest news headlines on Sunday. Their showing of the NCAA March Madness bracket revealing was quite a mess.

It all started with Charles Barkley and his inability to use the technology on set. He couldn’t quite grasp the idea of it, which is fine because let’s be real not all technology is easy to use, but it looked very odd. Then it all got a little crazy…

Over Twitter, an NCAA bracket was released that was reportedly a leaked bracket. Well, the first half of the bracket was perfect and it would end up being 100% correct as the night ended. Every team on the leaked bracket would end up being in the exact spots as CBS would break tens of minutes later.

People were upset with how CBS took two hours to release the official bracket and in the end they paid up. From the sound of it on Twitter, CBS definitely botched the bracket revealing.

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