The Cufflinks and Hollywood Argyles in Today’s One Hit Wonders

Every garage band can have a hit at least once in their careers before returning to the local Wal Mart as the night manager. ‘One Hit Wonders’ are often times great songs that come from bands that got it right – just once. Here are more of our ‘One Hit Wonder’ favorites…

“Tracy” by the Cufflinks from Staten Island NY was a Top 10 song from 1969, a studio hit from Ron Dante – a man who wrote and produced the Archie’s “Sugar Sugar” and other silly songs for various 60s groups.

“Alley Oop” by The Hollywood Argyles, who earlier recorded songs under the band name Skip and Flip. One night while working as Skip and Flip, Dallas Frazier (Flip) wrote the song, and decided not to have the Skip and Flip label get it, so he created yet another band the Hollywood Argyles, and paid Norm Davis $25 to sing the vocals.

“96 Tears” by Question Mark and the Mysterians was a smash hit in 1966. Question Mark (Rudy Martinez) wrote the song in his manager’s front room in Bay City Michigan, and became the original ‘garage band’ of music. Years later, punk bands would often reference this song as inspiration to the punk rock movement.

“In the Year 2525” by Zager and Evans who hail from Lincoln, Nebraska was number one hit from 1969 that turned the music world upside down with deep lyrics and catchy hook. Zager now builds custom guitars in Lincoln and Rick Evans has all but disappeared from the spotlight.

Photo credit: Gajus /