Joey Feek Passes Away

Rory Feek worked as a songwriter in Nashville before teaming up professionally with singer songwriter Joey Martin to win third-place on CMT’s competition ‘Can You Duet’ in 2008. The two fell in love and married, beginning a journey that would bring success and acclaim, winning the CMA Top New Vocal Duo of the Year in 2009 and the ACM Vocal Duo in 2010.

Joey and Rory prayed for continued professional success; their faith was always at the center of their lives.

Life was good. Joey gave birth to their daughter Indiana, born with Down syndrome in 2014, but the birth was overshadowed with Joey’s diagnosis of cervical cancer. In 2015 Joey’s health took a turn for the worse as cancer had spread through her body, leaving the slight young mother bed ridden, ravaged by the disease.

Joey and Rory prayed for peace in her last few months; God was now in control.

Joey and Rory collectively decided in 2015 that they would discontinue her treatment for cancer. Rory has been keeping a personal blog, recently describing a reunion of family on February 29th where Joey told them one last time how much she loved each of them; she was tired and wanted to sleep.

It’s unfortunate that we are saying this today, but Joey Feek went to Heaven today at the tender age of 40. Rest in peace Joey. You will be missed.

Photo credit: Joe Seer /