Coldplay Fun Facts

Coldplay performed in the recent NFL big game (Congrats to the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning), but they also have a song on the charts called “Advenure of a Lifetime.” Here are a few more Coldplay fun facts…

Coldplay formed in 1996 in London starting with the band name of Pectoralz, then Starfish, and ultimately Coldplay. The name comes from a collected book of British poems.

The band has won 62 awards from various organizations, having been nominated over 200 times. Coldplay has earned seven Grammy awards with 31 nominations. Chris Martin, Johnny, Guy and Will are the original members enjoying the ride, remaining intact to this day.

During lent, Catholics topically give up meat on Fridays but in June of 2009, Coldplay joined what is called ‘Meat Free Monday,’ an environmental campaign which was created by Paul McCartney in the attempts to slow down climate change. Their thought was to have at least one meat free day of the week, decreasing the demand of meat that may generate the burning of fossil fuels.

Photo credit: ANDRE DURAO /