Another Beatles Bite!

It’s time for another Beatles Bite! The beauty of the Beatles early music was its appeal to a wide range of consumers. The music sounded 180 degrees from what was currently being heard on radio, and the melodies, harmonies, and easy sounds were inviting to teenagers, their parents, and Madison Avenue. Lennon and McCartney had the right formula for writing memorable catchy hooks.

“The Fool on the Hill” is a wonderful example of a song that invited listeners of all ages to turn it up. The song was sung by Paul McCartney and was recorded a few hours before rest of the Fab Four were scheduled to appear for that day’s session.

Paul and Brian Epstein’s assistant, Allistair Taylor, had a pithy conversation about the existence of God one night, and it inspired Paul to write the complete song the following morning.

Photo credit: Benoit Daoust /