Why Ashton Kutcher Apologized to Harry Styles

In an Esquire Interview, on January 31st, Ashton Kutcher had been asked of his favorite karaoke song to which he replied, Zac Brown Band’s “Chicken Fried.” He elaborated that one time him and his wife Mila Kunis had met Styles for the first time during a karaoke party without even realizing it. He explained how, “There’s an extraordinarily well-known singer, that is maybe the best singer today, that we happen to be neighbors with, She was throwing a karaoke party. She gets up and gives this, like, out of this world, bananas [performance], and I’m like, ‘This is so unfair.’”

He continued to say, “Then this other kid gets up and he does this ABBA song. I’m like, ‘Oh my god, this is bananas,’ So the kid gets offstage, and Mila and I go up to him and we’re like, ‘Man, I gotta tell you something — you’re a ringer. You’re really good. He was like, ‘Thank you, I really appreciate that.’”

Later on the couple’s friends explained to them that who they had spoken with was Harry Styles, a professional singer, not simply a karaoke connoisseur. To which Kutcher apologized saying, “He’s a professional singer and we’re trying to tell him he’s a good singer, And I feel so dumb, so I just really want to say I’m sorry Harry Styles, but you’re really good at karaoke, man. Seriously. Like, really good!”

Photo Credit: Cubankite / Shutterstock.com