Miley Cyrus Being Sued For Posting Picture of Herself to Instagram

According to, Miley Cyrus is being sued by a paparazzo for posting a photo of herself on Instagram without asking for his permission first. Robert Barbera, took the photo in February 2020, filed a lawsuit in California against Miley on Friday alleging copyright infringement. According to the statement, “The photograph was copied, stored and displayed without license or permission, thereby infringing on plaintiff’s copyrights.” Barbera claimed that by sharing it with her millions of followers, Cyrus “crippled if not destroyed” his ability to earn money from it.

With few exceptions, anyone’s picture can be taken where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy and under copyright law, ownership of the photo is retained by the person who took the photo. Cyrus was also sued in 2020 by Chosen Figure for sharing a photo on Instagram without the photographer’s permission. In June, Barbera filed a lawsuit against Dua Lipa, claiming that she used pictures he took of her Instagram in 2018, the case is still pending. He previously sued Ariana Grande in 2019 and 2020 but both lawsuits were dismissed. A 2019 lawsuit against Justin Bieber was reportedly settled out of court as well.

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