After Learning of Her Dad’s Death by Suicide, 8-Year-Old Girl Sets Up Lemonade Stand to Raise Money

According to, an eight year old girl from Wisconsin showed how young girls can make an impact. When she found out her dad took his own life, she wanted to make sure that other kids didn’t have to grow up without one of their parents. So she decided to make a lemonade stand that ended up raising $800 dollars for suicide prevention, Kyleigh Brunette, from Sheboygan talked about remembering playing video games and disc golf with her father before he passed. She was quoted in saying, “He was funny and loving and caring for me and he would never, ever yell at me,” Her father committed suicide back in November of 2019, and because of her age at the time her mother decided to wait on telling her what had happened to him. In honor of her fathers birthday on July 9th, Kyleigh decided to have a lemonade stand in his memory, and decided to donate the proceeds to Mental Health America in Sheboygan. Her mom was quoted in saying, “She wanted to help people that can’t afford services to get the services so that it doesn’t happen to another person, or another kid doesn’t have to go without a parent,” Kyleigh sold lemonade on July first and July 8th to raise her $800 dollars and now plans on making a tradition out of it.

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