Girls on the Run is Empowering Young Girls

According to, Girls on the Run is an empowering program for girls from third through eighth grade with two separate programs based on age. According to the Excutive Director Lorri Brune, “It’s all about learning about themselves, about each other and about their community.” The organization typically runs through public school systems, this past spring they had 45 locations and 770 girls enrolled total. Before the Covid Pandemic the organization was larger, and they expect to get back to that point again soon. The young women girls stay after school twice a week for ten weeks for an hour long class ran by volunteer coaches, teaching them life skills ranging from bullying, gossiping, standing up for yourself and other common problems that young girls face. Towards the end of the programs ten weeks, the girls complete a community service project and each team gets to choose what they would like to do for their community service. When the program is over, the girls are then invited to participate in one of the three 5K locations across Central Indiana. The schools that participate in Indiana only have to offer up the space for the course and staff to use and often times the coaches volunteer for their students as well, once they see how much it impact these young girls lives.

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