The ‘Get on the Water’ Program Helps Build Confidence in Young Girls

According to, for ten young girls, USA Water Ski is helping them learn a new sport and build up their self confidence with their, “Get on the Water” program. USA Water Ski and Cypress Gardens Water Ski Show have partnered up in order to teach the sport of Water Ski to girls that wouldn’t have the opportunity to otherwise. As described in a statement made by Frances Buchanan from USA Water Ski & Wake Sport, “We realize there are a lot of barriers to our sport, You have to have a boat. You have to have a life jacket. You have to have skis. So being able to get these girls our here, and maybe we’ll have some girls in the Olympics someday.” Buchanan went on to explain that the ultimate goal of the program is, “Giving them the confidence to be able to do whatever they put their minds to,” through building up their ability to believe in themselves. The Central Florida Water Ski Team is currently working the program at the Lakeland site which is being funded through the Women’s Sports Foundation.

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