“Girls on the Run” Program Teaches Viewmont Girls Positivity, Teamwork, and Setting Goals

According to murrayjournal.com, the “Girls on the Run 5k” awards everyone a medal to celebrate the hard work they put in and their accomplishments during an eight week long program that helps educate and prepare young girls for a lifetime of living healthy. 600 girls participated in the run that took place in Utah, this year marked the return of the run after a hiatus that was the result of Covid-19. Girls on the Run is a nonprofit program that has effected more then one million girls across the United States and Canada to help them enhance their problem solving abilities, and make healthier decisions. A representative for the organization stated that, “The program teaches girls how to be active and treat their bodies well, It can be such a positive experience. We talk about body image, how they feel and about treating their bodies with respect. We empower them to learn how they have unique powers and to feel confident in their own skin because so many of them don’t.” The program offers a change of mindset for these young women, which is both empowering and life changing in some cases., causing some young girls to decide to run in other races as well. Changing their health for the better, and providing fun experiences and memories.

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