Braveheart Fundraiser Aims at Worldwide Goals for Women

According to,  the Braveheart Foundation is going to be hosting a wine tasting in order to support a medical trip to Uganda this year in more remote areas of Uganda. Their event, “Uncork for a Cause”, is taking place from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30th at the Second Vine Wine Bar located at 4212 Magazine St. in New Orleans. The event will include a silent auction from 6-8 p.m. sponsored by Ryan Art Ministry. The overarching goal of the fundraiser and the organization as a whole is to serve marginalized communities locally and abroad through providing preventative and sustainable health and relief programming. Dental, Vision, podiatry, and Women’s Health are all specialties that are provided by Braveheart. However, currently the organization is on ‘The Girl Power Period Campaign’, which aims to provide sanitary products for young girls because on average, young girls in Uganda miss roughly 20% of school days due to not having what they need to take care of themselves. Which often results in an increased risk of teen pregnancy, not finishing school, sexual exploitation, and living on the streets. Braveheart’s partners will be training young women every year and equipping them with what they need to reach up to 1,200 young people each year.

Anna Kutukova /