Amy Schumer Dissolves Face Fillers After Realizing They Weren’t for Her 

Amy Schumer, after giving a shot at cosmetic treatments, decided to have the filler in her face dissolved after not being happy with the aesthetic results. 

“I tried getting fillers. Turns out I was already full. Thank God you can dissolve them I looked like #Malificent [sic] thanks @drjlodnp,” Schumer captioned on Instagram.

The actress’ dermatologist, Dr. LoGerfo, also shared the photo and explained the process of dissolving fillers, which soften facial wrinkles when injected into the skin.

“Using dermal filler can be a wonderful way to replace lost volume and enhance the face, but filler placement is extremely important!” she wrote, informing followers that the procedure can be a great option as long as it’s done well. 

Back in 2014, Schumer notably was quoted to have said: “I don’t judge anybody for having plastic surgery at all.”

Photo credit: Tinseltown /