New Found Glory’s Chad Gilbert Diagnosed with Cancer, Undergoes Surgery

New Found Glory’s frontman recently shared with fans about his harrowing experience facing a cancer diagnosis. Just earlier this month, the rocker underwent successful surgery to remove a tumor caused by a rare form of cancer called pheochromocytoma. 

Gilbert detailed the past few weeks of his life on social media, letting fans and followers into the timeline of having his cancer removed. 

“On December 5th, my wife found me unresponsive in bed,” Gilbert began in a lengthy Instagram caption that carried on into the comments of his post featuring photos and videos of his time in the hospital. “I’d been waking up drenched in sweat the last few days and we thought I was sick. Not being able to wake me, she called 911 and performed CPR and mouth to mouth. Apparently I was doing something called “agonal breathing” and was minutes from death. I woke up with 7 paramedics surrounding my bed. I was so confused. My blood sugar somehow dropped to 20 and if my wife hadn’t found me, I would’ve fallen into a coma or died.”

“[An endocrinologist] told me based on all my symptoms that I have a very rare tumor called a Pheochromocytoma! It’s a tumor that grows on your adrenal gland and messes up all of your hormones,” Gilbert explained of his condition. “It was eating all my glucose, changing my hormones, and raising my blood pressure. I couldn’t survive without IVs until this tumor was removed.”

The pop-punk trailblazer continued on to explain his time in the hospital, the conversations he had with his doctors, and the growth both physically and mentally that occurred leading up to the successful surgery that has allowed him to carry on living.

“Yesterday was the first time I got to smell fresh air since December 5th,” he concluded. “I’m home with my wife and baby and so thankful to be alive!!”

Photo credit: George Koroneos /