Yoko Ono Supports “Get Back” Documentary Which Fans Say Dispel Claims of Her Breaking-up the Beatles

Yoko Ono has officially shown her support for Peter Jackson’s new Beatles documentary—which many fans say dispels the notorious claims that Ono was responsible for the beloved ban’s breakup. 

Ono, who is now 88-years-old and living in New York with 24-hour care, retweeted an article highlighting the flood of support for her exoneration from fault.

Get Back covers the making of Beatles’ Let It Be album from 1970. Many fans were both delighted and surprised by Ono’s “unassuming” nature in the film. Even Jackson himself, who scoured through hours and hours of unseen footage, stated that she wasn’t responsible for the band’s breakup. ‘

“[Ono] never has opinions about the stuff they’re doing,” Jackson said of the Beatles’ recording process, in which John Lennon’s wife can be seen present for—simply reading the paper or sorting through the mail. “She never says, ‘Oh, I think the previous take was better than that one.’ She’s a very benign presence and she doesn’t interfere in the slightest.”

“Even though we thought [Ono] was intrusive because she used to sit in on the recording sessions,” Paul McCartney explained in a recent interview before Get Back’s release. “We’d never had anything like that. But looking back on it, you think, ‘The guy was totally in love with her. And you’ve just got to respect that.’ So we did. And I do.”

Photo credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.com