November Home Maintenance Tasks that will make your Holidays Brighter

With Thanksgiving approaching and the winter holidays around the corner, there are things to look forward to (and prepare for) this time of year — even with the adjustments we are having to make because of the pandemic. Batten down the hatches for winter weather and get a jump on holiday prep, so you can relax and savor the simple pleasures of the season, like family dinners and walks in the crisp air outdoors.

Fix plumbing issues before the holiday crunch. Have a slow drain, stuck garbage disposal or finicky toilet? Don’t wait until the busy holiday season, when it may be harder to find a plumber who’s available. Fix it now.

Take your bulbs indoors and use them as gifts. Potted bulbs make a lovely, thoughtful gift, and if you’re potting them for yourself, it’s easy enough to make a bunch to give away throughout the holiday season.

Stock up on gear and supplies for winter. If you live in a region with cold, snowy winters, taking the time now to stock up on winter gear and supplies will mean less stress when that first big storm hits.

  • Check snow shovels and ice scrapers; replace as needed.
  • If you use a fireplace or wood stove, order firewood.
  • Pick up a bag of pet- and plant-safe ice melt.
  • Restock emergency kits for car and home.
  • If you use a snow blower, have it serviced and purchase fuel.
  • If your home has an emergency power generator, review safety standards (the American Red Cross has helpful tips) and check that it’s working properly.

Photo Credit: Alexander Raths /