February Home Maintenance Tasks you can knock off in a Snap

February is a time of year to indulge in home comforts like cooking big-batch meals, reading in the afternoon and watching movies with the family.  Unfortunately, things still need to get done.  The experts at Houzz offer up a short list of home maintenance chores you can add to your “honey do” list that will take just a small sliver of your time.

1. Rotate your mattress.
Before you put on a fresh set of sheets, take an extra minute to rotate the mattress if you haven’t done so recently. Rotating your mattress every few months will help it wear more evenly and extend its life (and comfort). Oh, and while you’re at it, wash your mattress pads and pillows, which should be done every few months anyway.

2. Pack up a bag of old sheets and towels to donate. If you bought new sheets or towels during January white sales, make some room by letting go of an old set or two. Homeless shelters and some churches will accept donations of bedding and towels in good condition, and animal shelters are often in need of towels. Really worn linens can be cut up and used as rags or dropped in a textile recycling bin.

3.  Clean entryway floors. If winters are cold where you are, road salt and melting snow can mean entryway floors take a beating. Pick up clutter and give the floors a good mopping/scrubbing. To keep floors looking their best between cleanings, stash a few old towels in a basket near the door to wipe up messes.

4. Clean your sink. Nobody likes a stinky sink, so take a little time this February to clear the air in your kitchen. A clogged garbage disposal isn’t just gross—it can create expensive plumbing problems. Here’s how to clean your garbage disposal.

  1. Turn off the power.
  2. Wipe the grinding chamber and drain.
  3. Deodorize with ice and vinegar.

Keep your garbage disposal clean for the rest of the year by grinding orange and lemon peels once a week.

Photo Credit:  anweber / Shutterstock.com