3 Healthy Alternatives to a Drastic Detox

Most cleanses cite broad categories of toxins, including synthetic chemicals, environmental pollutants, medications, and other substances that aren’t naturally occurring. And it’s true those things aren’t good for your body. But you probably don’t need a drastic detoxification diet to handle them. Why? Because your body comes equipped with a built-in cleanser of its own: Your liver.

“If your liver’s healthy, it will detox your system for you,” ays Amandeep Kaur Sahota, MD, a liver specialist and chief of hepatology at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center. “No special diet needed. Whatever you eat goes through your liver. The good stuff stays in. The bad stuff goes out through your kidneys and intestines.”  When it comes to drastic detoxes or cleanses, Dr. Sahota says, “These types of diets are popular for a while, but they don’t often stick around.  That’s because, in the end, there’s very little evidence they eliminate any toxins from your body.”

That’s not the only reason to skip the latest cleanse craze or fasting fad. Some of them can actually do more harm than good. “The restrictive nature of these types of diets can lead to nutrient deficiencies and dehydration,” says Stephanie Burke, MS, RD, a registered dietitian at Kaiser Permanente Davis Medical Center in Davis, California. “They also increase the likelihood of yo-yo dieting and can even lead to disordered eating behaviors such as binge eating.”

So, what’s a better way to boost your body’s natural detox power? Here are 3 healthy alternatives to cleansing that can still deliver that fresh, new-you feeling.

1. Ditch the juice. Eat real food.

Many people who try juice-only cleanses say they feel better after doing it. But that probably has more to do with what they’re not putting into their bodies than any concoction of cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and lemon juice. “You likely feel better because when you’re cleansing, you’re not eating a lot of processed foods that are rich in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugar,” Burke says.

But you don’t have to drink like Beyoncé to get the same effect. Burke suggests eating a greater variety of whole plant foods like grains, legumes, vegetables (yes, even the starchy ones!), fruits, nuts, and seeds. Swapping more “real food” into your diet can help you long-term, too. Ultra-processed foods have been linked to increased risks of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and cancer.2

2. It’s not about fasting. It’s about balance.

Intermittent fasting taken to extremes becomes intermittent eating. And that can be dangerous because our bodies need nutrients from food to thrive. For example, getting enough nutrients in a 4-hour window would be difficult. “Avoiding a high-calorie diet, that’s OK,” Dr. Sahota says. “Eating fewer fried foods and less sugar. That’s all good. But you shouldn’t severely limit your protein or calorie intake for long periods of time. Fasting can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies.”

It can also lead to an unhealthy fixation with food avoidance and weight watching. “Instead of focusing on weight loss or what foods to avoid, we should be focusing on nourishing our bodies with whole, natural foods,” Burke adds. “And listen more closely to our body’s signals for hunger and fullness.” If you really want to fast, though, Dr. Sahota says the most important toxins to avoid are drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. “Drinking is a major toxin for the liver,” she says. “The best thing you can do for your system is to not drink at all.”

3. Reboot with sleep and exercise. Not fast fixes.

Many detox diets also promote the use of herbal and dietary supplements. Your doctor may suggest these to you, too, and they can sometimes be helpful. But supplements aren’t substitutes for a healthy diet. And as Dr. Sahota notes, many herbal supplements have no true medicinal value — some can even be dangerous, especially if you have a liver condition.

Dr. Sahota suggests talking to your doctor or a nutritionist. It’s also important to read up on warnings related to herbal and dietary supplements, for example, on LiverTox, an informational website maintained by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Some of the best health supplements don’t come in pill form anyway. Exercise and sleep can trump benefits offered by dietary supplements, especially when it comes to digestive health and greater energy levels. Even better, the 2 often work in tandem, as more physical activity leads to better sleep.3 And that’s crucial, says Burke: “Our bodies do a lot of recovery and repair while we sleep.”

The final word

Unconventional detox diets might seem appealing. But when it comes down to results and your long-term health, the time-tested classics win out again.

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